Operator of the site

forum Thüringer Wald e.V. (registered association)
Bahnhofstrasse 4-8
98527 Suhl, Germany

Tel.: +49 3681 362-0
Fax: +49 3681 362-444
Email: info[at]forum-thueringer-wald.de
Internet: www.forum-thueringer-wald.de

Chair of the Association: Torsten Herrmann

Register of Associations: 751, Hildburghausen District Court

Technical responsibility/ Web concept & design

ART-KON-TOR Communication GmbH
Hainstraße 1
07745 Jena / Thuringia, Germany
Tel.: 03641 8877-0
Fax: 03641 8877-66
Email: info[at]art-kon-tor.de
Internet: https://www.art-kon-tor.de/

Image sources

Andrè Reichelt, Michael Reichel, Rico Haase, Duale Hochschule Gera-Eisenach, Hochschule Schmalkalden/Marcus Glahn, TU Ilmenau/Chris Liebold, Adrian Greiter | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Christian Heilwagen | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Dominik Ketz | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Kevin Voigt | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Michael Reichel | Thüringer Bogen, Rico Haase, CC-BY / Eisenach Tourismus GmbH, Werratal Touristik e.V., Christopher Schmid | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Oberhof-Sportstätten GmbH, Thomas Dreger | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Paul Hentschel Photography | Regionalverbund Thüringer Wald e.V., Robert Wachholz | Weimar GmbH, GÜLDENER HERBST – Festival für Alte Musik, Pierre Kamin, Dominik Saure, Adrian Seeber, Marcus Pfau, Matthias Schwarz, robertprzybysz/istockphoto.com, jacoblund/istockphoto.com, dusanpetkovic/istockphoto.com, Imgorthand/istockphoto.com, goodluz/Shutterstock.com, Blue Planet Studio/Shutterstock.com

Statistical sources

Housing & construction

  • https://www.immowelt.de/immobilienpreise/ (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://mietspiegeltabelle.de/mietspiegel-deutschland/ (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.aufbaubank.de/Foerderprogramme/Kinder-Bauland-Bonus (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.regionalstatistik.de, table 61511-01-03-4
  • https://www.kfw.de/inlandsfoerderung/Privatpersonen/Neubau/F%C3%B6rderprodukte/F%C3%B6rderprodukte-PB-Neubau.html (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.bafa.de/DE/Energie/Effiziente_Gebaeude/effiziente_gebaeude_node.html (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://riester.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de/DE/So-geht-Riester/So-geht-Wohn-Riester/so-geht-wohn-riester_node.html (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/geld-versicherungen/bau-und-immobilienfinanzierung/wohnungsbaupraemie-haeufig-gestellte-fragen-und-antworten-59942 (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • immowelt.de

Family & lifestyle

  • https://www.statistik.thueringen.de/datenbank/TabAnzeige.asp?tabelle=KT001505%7C%7
  • General education schools, school year 2020/2021, TLS, https://statistik.thueringen.de/webshop/pdf/2020/02101_2020_00.pdf
  • Vocational schools, school year 2021/2022, TLS, https://statistik.thueringen.de/datenbank/TabAnzeige.asp?tabelle=kr001303%7C%7C;
  • Approved daycare places (2022), TLS https://statistik.thueringen.de/datenbank/TabAnzeige.asp?tabelle=kr001544%7C%7C;
  • Childcare ratios (2021), regional statistics, table 22543-04-01-4 https://www.regionalstatistik.de
  • http://www.sportgymnasium-oberhof.info/index.php/leitbild

Jobs & careers

  • Federal Statistical Office – Gross earnings of full-time employees in manufacturing and services 2016-2021
  • https://wirtschaft.thueringen.de/forschung-innovation-technologie/forschungslandschaft (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • Die Erfinder und sich wieder neu Erfinder (The Inventors who Reinvent Themselves), South Thuringia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Suhl, 2016
  • https://www.statistik.thueringen.de/ (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.suhl.ihk.de/ (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.hwk-suedthueringen.de/ (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.avatera.eu/home (as at: 01.12.2022)
  • https://www.industrie-intouch.de/anmeldung/

Sport & adventure

  • https://www.thueringer-wald.com/
  • Tours • Plan your next adventure » Tourenportal Thüringer Wald (tourenportal-thueringer-wald.de)
  • Thuringian Indoor Skiing Centre: Skisport-HALLE Oberhof (oberhof-skisporthalle.de)
  • The Trusetaler Hauptgang (climbing course) – www.thueringer-wald.com
  • Oberhof2023 (oberhof23.de)
  • Großvereine.pdf (thueringen-sport.de)
  • GutsMuths-Rennsteiglauf on 13 May 2023 – Europe’s largest cross-country race

Nature & landscape

  • https://statistik.thueringen.de/datenbank/TabAnzeige.asp?tabelle=kr000554%7C%7C
  • https://www.thueringer-wald.com/

Culture & leisure

  • Die Erfinder und sich wieder neu Erfinder (The Inventors who Reinvent Themselves), South Thuringia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Suhl, 2016

Supervisory authority

Hildburghausen District Court
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 2
98646 Hildburghausen, Germany
Tel.: +49 3685 779-0
Fax: +49 3685 779-197
Email: aghbn.poststelle@justiz.thueringen.de

Responsibility: Responsibility for the content pursuant to § 18 of the State Treaty on the Modernisation of the Media Order in Germany – Media State Treaty – (MStV)

forum Thüringer Wald e. V.
Bahnhofstrasse 4-8
98527 Suhl, Germany

Disclaimer – legal information


The information provided by the forum Thüringer Wald e. V. association on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and is continually updated. Despite the most careful checks, however, freedom from errors cannot be guaranteed. forum Thüringer Wald e. V. assumes no liability for the completeness, currency and correctness of the information provided on this website. Likewise, no liability is assumed for errors of an editorial or technical nature. Liability claims regarding material or immaterial damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected unless forum Thüringer Wald e. V. is guilty of intent or gross negligence. forum Thüringer Wald e. V. reserves the right to make changes to parts or the entire content of its website at any time, to add to it, to remove it or to discontinue it completely. The information and offers presented on this website are non-binding and subject to change.


References to external sites in the form of links are for information purposes only. No liability can therefore be assumed for the correctness, completeness or currency of the information provided there. forum Thüringer Wald e. V. has checked linked sites of external providers with great care for illegal content. It is expressly emphasised that forum Thüringer Wald e. V. has no control over the design or content of the external sites that can be accessed by means of links. The content and design of linked sites can be changed at any time without the knowledge or control of forum Thüringer Wald e. V. forum Thüringer Wald e. V. expressly disassociates itself from all content and design of linked sites that is changed after the link was created. The above exclusion of liability also applies accordingly to the content and design of sites that can be accessed by means of further hyperlinks on linked sites. No liability can therefore be assumed for hyperlinks.


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright to the text and images used is held by forum Thüringer Wald e.V. Reproduction and use of the texts, graphics and images used here in other electronic or printed media is not permitted without the prior written consent of forum Thüringer Wald e. V. Trademarks mentioned or protected by third parties are subject to the applicable legal provisions and the proprietary rights of the respective registered owner. All text, website designs, images and graphics, combinations and layouts of these and all software on our website are protected by copyright. Copyright is indicated in each instance.


Insofar as personal data (e.g. name, address or email addresses) is collected on our site, this is always done on a voluntary basis. Our offers and services may be used as far as possible without providing personal data. The use of contact details published in the legal notice by third parties for the purpose of sending marketing and information materials not expressly requested is hereby expressly prohibited. forum Thüringer Wald e. V. expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited receipt of marketing information, for example by spam mails.

Security information for email:

The confidentiality of emails is comparable to sending a postcard. No sensitive information should therefore be sent by email.

Equality provision:

Status and functional designations apply to all genders.

Special terms of use

Legal information about the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)

The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (ODR platform), which can be accessed at www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. As far as legal relations with consumers within the meaning of Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) are concerned, we wish to state the following:
We will endeavour to resolve any disagreements arising from our contractual relationship in an amicable manner. We are prepared to conduct mediation proceedings before the consumer arbitration board of the Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V. The following information about the consumer arbitration board of the Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V. is provided:
Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Strassburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl, Germany, tel.: +49 7851 79579 fax: +49 7851 79579 41 Internet: www.verbraucher-schlichter.de email: mail@verbraucher-schlichter.de
This arbitration board is a “general consumer arbitration board” in accordance with § 4(2) sentence 2 VSBG. Except in cases of misuse, the mediation proceedings are free of charge for the customer. Limitation of any claims is excluded for the duration of the proceedings. If no agreement is reached there, legal recourse is available.

Legal information for lawyers

In the event of problems relating to competition law or similar, we ask you to contact us in advance in order to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and costs. Charging for the cost of a legal warning without prior contact with one of the shareholders is rejected as unfounded in the context of the obligation to minimise damages. Warnings issued in breach of the law will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law.